Subject: There's A Storm Coming! - from Theresa

Good morning!

There's a storm coming!

And as soon as a snowstorm is predicted, everyone

races to the stores to stock up on supplies.  After all, 

a storm means "being stranded" and people become

almost crazed to get what they need.

Sometimes, it's not as bad as it is predicted and so

after it passes, everyone goes back to their regular


Isn't business like that too?

The storm is the "newest" and "lastest" gadget or

strategy that promises to generate a waterfall of leads

and sign ups.

Some marketers sometimes get crazed and will try

anything to get results. 

However, if after a few trys nothing happens, they give

up and go back to their regular routine. 

This is always the biggest mistake any marketer can


If you are committed to your business and want to see

results you have to stick with a strategy until you master

it. The results will come as long as you are consistent.

So, what strategy are you currently using? Is it working

for you?

I recommend seeking out training for that strategy,

whether it's Facebook, Instagram,You Tube or something else. 

Get all the training you can about that strategy and apply

what you learn. 

And remember, don't think about the money, think about

how you can be a source of service to others.

That's it for now, but feel free to contact me with any

questions or concerns. 

Hope you have a wonderful day and

Happy Marketing!!

Until next time,
Your partner on the journey!


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 *The sender of this email receives compensation 

when products and services featured herein are

purchased. Results are unique. Your results will vary.

Parts of this email are an advertisement...but it

really is just me, providing you with ways to help

your business grow.