Subject: The Struggle You're In Today - from Theresa

Hi Friend,

Did you ever have one of those mornings
when it seemed like you just couldn't
get it together?

That's what happened to me this morning!

I was trying to make a simple video...

But for some reason, I couldn't get it

I tried several locations but the lighting
just wasn't right...

I knew what I wanted to say but kept
getting tongue-tied...

I was frustrated...

I wanted to give up!

This was interfering with my schedule
for the day...

A little thing like a video wasted about
an hour of my time

So what I did was put the video aside
for a little later in the day

And worked on something else!

Did you ever have days like that?

Maybe it wasn't a video for you...

Maybe it was writing a blog post...

Or pondering over doing a FB Live...

Might have even been calling your leads!

What did you do to get back on track?

Please share!

Here's something to ponder today...

I hope you get some value!

"The struggle you're in today is developing
the strength you need for tomorrow."

That's it for now!

But if you need me, I'm around!

Have a wonderful day!

Your partner on the journey!

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