Subject: The Shiny Object Syndrome - from Theresa

Greetings Friend,

How's it going?

Hope all is well with you and yours!

I've been working with my son who recently got
a kiosk in the mall. 

He does air brush and has been quite busy. 

I've been giving him a hand which has taken
some of my time away from what I've been doing
for myself...

But it's cool...

Another entrepreneur in the house is way cool! 

Today, I want to talk to you about  something we've all
been guilty of at one time or another...

Read the following. Sound familiar?

Have you ever watched an old movie or TV show where
one of the characters was hypnotized?

Recall the scene. He sits in a chair and the hypnotist is 

holding an object, usually a shiny watch, in front of him,
moving it from side to side as he slowly whispers some
words that have a calming effect on the character...
The character is drawn to the shiny object. He can't take
his eyes off of it...

After a while, he starts getting sleepy and finally falls
under the control of the hypnotist.

The Shiny Object Syndrome is similar!

The marketer gets his sights on a shiny object... 

In this case, it's a new strategy or method of doing

It can be a top earner's new course or a tried and
true product that promises results... 

He hears the words of the top earner himself promising
great results if done exactly how instructed... 

He needs this to get results, he thinks to himself... 

He convinces himself he's going to commit to it... 

He buys in!

While there's nothing wrong with a course or product
designed to help you succeed, the problem is that the
marketer quickly abandons what he was working on so
he can dive into the "new thing."

He becomes hypnotized by it and is seemingly is under
its control.

He believes that this is what's going to make all the

Now he's motivated and full of new energy.

He has committed himself.

The marketer's total focus is this "new thing"...until...
yes until...the next "new thing" rolls around.

Shiny Object Syndrome is a widespread condition that
can be hazardous to your business.

When you jump around from one strategy to another,
you don't give yourself a chance to see results in what
you're already doing.

Your new focus takes away from your current focus and
eventually your current focus becomes just another
failed attempt to get results.

If you really want results, stick with what you're doing.

If you're using a system or implementing a strategy and
actually stick with it:

* You'll get a result if you apply what you learn and keep
at it consistently.

* You'll gain confidence as you master a skill or strategy
and can then provide value to the marketplace.

* You'll further your current knowledge when you
continue to invest in yourself with courses or products
within that topic.

* You'll eventually master the strategy and become a
credible authority in it.

* You'll be sought out for training and be regarded
as a leader.

So, do you have the shiny object syndrome? 

Something to think about!

That's it for now!

If you have any questions or need anything, 
just reply to this email or reach out to me on  

If you're struggling in your business, ask for help. 

It will take you that much longer to be 
successful if you don't. 

I'm always here to help and serve!

Your partner on the journey!

P.S. Discover And Solve The 3 Biggest Problems That 
Are Holding You Back From Earning As Much As You're 
Worth. (Hint: Most affiliate programs make you do all the 
work and reap all of the rewards on the backend)

Text me! 646-573-3850

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*The sender of this email receives compensation
when products and services featured herein are
purchased. Results are unique. Your results will vary.
Parts of this email are an advertisement...but it
really is just me, providing you with ways to help.