Subject: The Key To The Kingdom

Hi there!

How's it going?? 

Did you read the marketing tip for today? 

I want to share it with you really quickly because
it is something you, as a marketer, should practice.

Here it is:

Theresa's Marketing Tip:  
Follow Up Is The Key 
To The Kingdom!

The fortune is in the follow up is a phrase that one
hears often in network marketing.

Marketers regularly connect and talk to prospects
exposing them to their service, product or opportunity.

While connecting, talking and exposing are all
essential activities, it's equally important, maybe
even more so, to follow up with prospects within a
short period of time.

If not, the prospect may quickly become disinterested
worse, buy the product or service from someone else or
even join the opportunity under another.

It's important to get the potential customer while he
is still excited and enthusiastic because once that initial
feeling of excitement goes away, it will be difficult
to get it back.

As an old idiom states, "Strike while the iron is hot."

That's it...short and sweet!!!

But even though it's short, it's POWERFUL!

This is where many marketers make their biggest

Not calling their prospects...


Many reasons but the biggest and most popular...FEAR!!!

So if you haven't been making those calls, start.

Follow up calls is where the fortune lies and the only
way to get it is by doing it...

If you need some strategies on how to GET RID OF THAT 
FEAR, let me know. I can help!

Gotta run...
Track meet and I'm LATE....

Have a wonderful day and happy marketing!!

Until next time,

Your partner on the journey!

P.S. If you have any other questions about  
anything at all, just reach out to me. I'm always 
around, willing and eager to help you!

HERE to learn about the marketing system I use 
and recommend.

Don't Forget to Follow Me!! 





Linked In

 *The sender of this email receives compensation 

when products and services featured herein are

purchased. Results are unique. Your results will vary.

Parts of this email are an advertisement...but it

really is just me, providing you with ways to help

your business grow.