Subject: The 4Us To Writing Compelling Blog Post Headlines - from Theresa

Hey, Friend,

It's me again! How's it going?

On my way to the park and wanted to
quickly share today's marketing tip.

You've probably been hearing a lot about

That's because if you're in business, you
need one!


Well, if you're providing value and perhaps
are an affiliate of a company, you need a
place to "hang your hat" sort of speak...

You need a central location, a hub, a home!
That's what a blog is.

And as you write posts, you're going to want
them to be read...

What's the best way to get your blog posts

Have a inviting, compelling title or headline...

That's what my marketing tip is about today!

Theresa's Marketing Tip: Title Your Posts To Draw
Readers In.

Titles are the key to your content getting viewed or
passed by.

Even if you write a dynamic post, it will get passed
by if your title doesn’t draw readers in.

A simple formula that can be used is the 4Us.

Make sure it’s unique and not the same repetitive
titles everyone else is using. 

Be certain that it is ultra-targeted. In this way,
readers will know exactly what they’re going to
get and if it would be worth their time to continue.

Your headline should convey a sense of urgency.
You want your readers to think about what they
would be missing if they don’t read on.

And finally, it should present something useful.
What would the benefit be for your audience?

It may not be possible to get each of these in
every headline but always try to get at least two.

Another tip: Write as many as 5-10 titles for
every article, then choose the best! 
Did you find value in this tip?

That's it for now!
Have a wonderful day!
Your partner on the journey!

P.S. Click HERE to learn more about the 
 I'm using to help me 
generate leads, sign up reps 
and make 
money from the 90% of people who say 
NO to 
my opportunity!

Email me:
Text me! 646-573-3850

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