Subject: Thank Goodness I'm A LegalShield Member - from Theresa

Hi Friend

Did you know that everyone has legal 

They may not be "in your face" issues 
like owing 
the IRS money or an error 
in your student loan

balance that you've ended up paying for
...for years!

They could be simple things like disputing 
a cell 
phone bill, or having a contractor 
rectify some 
repairs done on your home.

In very many cases, people don't even 
know that 
they could have an attorney 
deal with those little 
issues that come up. 

They end up "taking a loss".

Let me tell you a story... 

When I moved from New York To 
New Jersey about 14 years ago, I started 
getting letters from a collection agency 
about a past due balance for a Verizon 
account I had when I lived in 
New York. 

I immediately disputed it but for years, 
no one listened. 

I continued to get the letters, although 
they were coming less than when I first 

I even had a customer rep tell me not to 
worry about it.

Seriously...don't worry about it?

How can you not worry about a  

About a year ago, I opened a Verizon 
account for Fios. 

After about 2 weeks, I decided that I did
not like the service and wanted to close 
the account and return to my former 
cable provider. 

There was a balance on the Verizon 
Fios account which I had every intention 
on paying but about two weeks after I 
closed the account, I received 
a phone call about my Verizon account. 

Thinking it was in reference to my 
most current account, I paid it. 

Finally, about three weeks later, I 
received another call from Verizon
inquiring when I would pay the 
balance of the Fios account.

After making a phone call, I found 
out that the first Verizon phone call 
was in reference to the old account. 

Basically, I paid an 14 year phone 
bill that had been disputed all along.

I was also informed that I could not 
get my payment back. 

I found it odd that this collection agency, 
stating that they were Verizon, could 
still, after 14 years, attempt to get payment 
on an account I had disputed from the 
very beginning. 

Thank goodness I am a LegalShield 
member because within a week after 
calling my law firm, my money was 
deposited back into my account 
and I received a letter of apology.

Legal issues are a part of all of our lives...
big and small. 

At some point we have to deal with them. 

Have you ever had something unexpected 
drop in 
your lap? 

Were you prepared? 

Did you have to scramble? 

With LegalShield, you don't have to 

LegalShield does it all...for one small 
monthly fee.

Protect yourself and your family. 

Protect your small 

LegalShield has a plan to fit your needs. 

a member TODAY and Worry Less, 
Live More!

That's it for now!

If you have any questions or would like 
more information on a Legalshield 
membership, just reply to this email 
or reach out to me on Facebook.

I'm always here to help and serve!

Your partner on the journey!

Text me! 646-573-3850

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