Subject: Ten For The Week - from Theresa

Hello Friend and welcome
to a new week!

Hope all is well and that you had a
restful weekend!

Today is Motivation Monday and so I'm
going to share ten motivational quotes
that I hope will not only motivate you 
but also inspire you as you go through your

So, here goes...

1. "Passion is a feeling that tells you: this is
the right thing to do. Nothing can stand in
my way. It doesn't matter what anyone
else says. This feeling is so good that it
cannot be ignored. I'm going to follow my
bliss and act upon this glorious sensation
of joy."
---Wayne Dyer
2. "Never let the fear of the fall discourage you
from the climb. There's beauty up there and
it's worth the risk."
---Chrisne Garnier

3. "I may be lost and weary; maybe a little
disappointed, may not see the road ahead of me
clearly, but guest what? I'm not giving up!! If I
have to drag myself to the finish line, you can bet
on it. Going through hell is nothing when you
know paradise awaits ahead of you."
---Rafael Lama Noel

4. "If you can't do anything about it then let it go.
Don't be a prisoner to things you can't change."

---Tony Gaskins

5. "Never say die i.e., never be discouraged in life
and never give up on your faith or hope. Just keep
pressing on or forward for there is light at the end
of the tunnel."
---Emeasoba George

6. "You have to be truly committed to whatever you
do, remember passion, determination and action
is what it takes to be successful."
---Thaba Maduwa

7. "Any great Idea is only as good as the action taken
to execute it, so step into action!"
---Dr. Karen Jacobson

8. "It's Game Day - You already paid your dues -
Today is about collecting on them."
---Eric Eisenburg

9. "Don't just be who you are and what you are.
Move, evolve, change, grow and become better
each day."

10. "Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow
I can accomplish what others can't."
---Jerry Rice

Happy Motivation Monday. Stay motivated and share!!

That's it for now!

If you have any questions or need anything, 
just reply to this email or reach out to me on  

By the way,  if you're struggling in your 
business and don't ask for help, it will take 
you that much longer to be successful. 

I'm always here to help and serve!

Your partner on the journey!

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