Subject: Stay Away from Images Subject to Copyright Infringement Laws
Good morning, Friend,
How are you today? I hope all is well!
It's time for another marketng tip that I just posted and,
of course, want to share with you.
Do you post about your business on Facebook or any
other social media platform? Are you putting out ads?
So many network marketers are using images they find on
the internet to use in their marketing. A lot of posts and ads
look great but the problem is that most images you find online
have some type of copyright issue attached.
If you use an image without permission that requires permission
or something else, you can be setting yourself up for major legal
issues later on down the road.
I've heard lots of people say that they haven't gotten into any
trouble and they use images from the internet all the time. And
because of this, they'll continue this practice.
Actually, they have a false sense of security. Trouble may come
knocking at any time.
So play it safe!
THERESA'S MARKETING TIP: Stay Away from Images Subject to
Copyright Infringement Laws.
Marketers are always posting pictures as part of their ad
campaigns or part of their daily posting on Facebook and other
social media platforms.
Many images used, however, are subject to copyright infringement
laws and can cost a marketer dearly.
Here are a few sites that offer the free use of images and what they
require in return:
MORGUE FILE-high resolution stock photos, completely
free for public use.
PIXABAY-stunning public domain drawings and photos for free.
FreeDigitalPhotos.Net-free stock images for public use, however,
attribution required.
Visit these sites and read their terms of use.
In addition, when searching for images using Google, there is a
tab called Search Tools. When you click on it, you will see Usage
Rights with a drop down. Here you will see Labeled for Reuse.
Just a warning that all images Labeled for Reuse may not be
what you’re looking for.
In fact, they may not be related in any way to what you want but
check it out anyway as another option.
There are other sites that offer images but they may require the
purchase of credits or a license.
Images are always an attention-getter and using them in your
marketing is highly recommended if you want to grab some extra
eyeballs on what you have but play it safe and know any and all
requirements before you make it public.
Friend, I hope you found value in this and if you like
content like this loaded with value, visit my website here.
While you're there, sign up for my FREE newsletter with
more tips, tricks, training, inspiration and motivation.
That's it for now!
Until next time,
Your partner on the journey!
P.S. Here's a FREE Twitter training.
6 Silly Simple Steps to take on Twitter for 15+ Leads Per Day.
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