Subject: Speak To Your Target Audience In Their Langauge

Hi Friend,

I sent this email this morning but just realized

it didn't get sent. So I am resending.

Please excuse if the original comes as well. 

Here's today's marketing tip!

I'm sure you've heard about target audiences!

Everyone has or should have a target audience

because if you target to everyone, you target to no one!

So it's important to think about who are you 

going to deliver your message to 

Once you decide, you have to craft your message 

to that audience in a way they can relate. 

They have to be able to connect with you and your 

message. You have to speak to them in their language.

Theresa's Marketing Tip:  Speak To Your Target Audience 
In Their Language. 

No, I don't mean the language of their background. You 
targeted your audence for a particular reason. Maybe they 
are looking for a product to defy their age or maybe they're 
looking for an energy drink. They may even be looking for 
a weight loss product or perhaps a way to repair their credit. 

Whatever the reason, you now have to speak to them in 
terms of their needs but not just their needs. Go deeper. 

For example, a woman who wants an age-defying product 
may be looking for more attention from her husband. 
Why? How does she feel?A person in search of an energy 
drink clearly needs to feel more active. Is there some 
activity he's missing out on because of a lack of energy? 
A man looking to lose weight may want to feel more 
confident in public. What goes through his mind when 
he's out and about? Do people stare at him? And someone 
with bad credit may want the freedom of making large 
purchases without being denied credit. What does it do 
to his self-esteem when he can't provide certain things for 
his family? 

Once you target your audience, highlight their needs and 
drill down deeper, your marketing strategy will focus on 
those needs and how your product or service will address them. 
This is accomplished by what you say and how you say it. :)

Hope you found value in this and if you like content like this 

loaded with value, visit ==> 

for even more. 

That's it for now but feel free to contact me with any

questions or concerns. 

Hope you have a wonderful day and

happy marketing!!

Until next time,
Your partner on the journey!



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