Subject: So What Have You Learned Lately... from Theresa

Hi Friend,

How's business?


I've been on a bunch of free

in the past few days.

There's so much to 
learn when

you're trying to stay abreast of

all the new techniques and

for marketing your



On one of the webinars, I learned

ranking your blog post to

get on the first 
page of Google and

backlinks and what they're for.


I had no clue but like I said, there's

always something to learn. That's

what I'm working on now, fine tuning

my blog for optimum visitor



So, what have you learned lately? You

know it's important to always learn

something new to help you market

your business.


There's a lot of competition out there

and you don't want to fall between the

cracks. You want to be noticed

by the masses.


Today, I was thinking a lot about this

because I see so many marketers

their links on Facebook and

other social 
media sites.


But that really isn't the best way to do

it. It could work if you had a strategy.


But most people don't. I think most

people haven't embraced what marketing

really is all about.  They don't know how

to truly engage in it for the success of

their business.


This was my Facebook status update

a while back and it still holds true:


Invest Time and Money In Yourself.

For the serious network marketer, the

entrepreneur, the one who knows

business is not a hobby, you

know that you 
have to invest in yourself.


Investing can come in the form of time

and money. You invest your time when

you attend webinars, events and company

trainings, watch training videos or read

industry-related articles.


This is how you stay abreast of the new

techniques and innovative strategies

designed for your marketing.


You invest your money when you buy

courses and products that focus on

specific areas you want to master like

blogging or social media strategies

or video marketing.


Memberships to marketing systems

give you the flexibility to make choices

on what you want to master and gives

you training, tools and resources to

become expert marketers.


All of these accelerate your business

forward. There's no getting around it. If

you're serious about your business,

you have to invest time and money for

its success.


Your only other option is to

continue posting your link in social

media sites and hope someone

takes a bite. :)


Here's some good information that can

help you become a better marketer.

here to receive it!


Enjoy and Happy Marketing!

That's it for now!

Until next time,

Your partner on the journey!


P.S.  If you're using Instagram, why
not get the FREE training and learn
how to use it for your business.

'10-Minute Per Day Instagram 

Blueprint' to Add 150+ Leads Per 

Month to Your Business... for FREE!"

Click HERE for the training!


Follow me...


For tips, tricks, training, inspiration and

motivation and more!



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Parts of this email are an advertisement...but it

really is just me, providing you with ways to help

your business!