Subject: People Are Watching - from Theresa

Hi Friend,

How are you?

Happy Tuesday!

I hope you're still grinding away making your 
dreams come true!

Today, I want to share a tip that so often people
forget once they get caught up in the business.

But it is something to be mindful of because
people ARE watching!

In all that you do, be a person of integrity.

In the marketplace, business is built on the know,
like and trust factor.

People want to do business with someone they

The first order of business, then, is to build and
maintain that trust.

That means that the practices of the business
owner are professional...

The business owner is genuine and shows interest
in the prospect...

He/she delivers what and when he/she promises...

He/she keeps his/her word...

Feedback from customer is gladly welcomed!

Remember that your integrity as a business owner
should shine through and your core values of
honesty, fairness and decency are never questioned.

Because they're reflected in the manner in which
you do business. :)

Hope you found value in this and please share!
That's it for now!

If you have any questions or need anything, 
just reply to this email or reach out to me on  

I'm always here to help and serve!

Your partner on the journey!

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Text me! 646-573-3850

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