Subject: Lessons From The Hill...

Hi Friend, 

How's it going? 

It’s been a very busy day, but I wanted to

write you to share a blog post I wrote



The first part of the blog post is below but

you'll have to click on the blue text to get

the whole story.


For anyone looking to be successful in their

business or in any aspect of life, this is a great

read. I hope you enjoy it and have a great night!


It begins here:

Years ago, I knew a young man who carried a big,

thick book everywhere he went and read from it daily.

For a while, I just watched him sit in the quiet part

of a room or an isolated area of the park, open the

well-read book carefully studying the words on the

pages so intently, it piqued my curiousity. Finally, I

asked him about this book he was holding onto so

tightly I often called it his bible. 


Click here for the full blog post.



Until next time,

Your partner on the journey! 


Follow me!!!


