Subject: It's NOT All About YOU!

Hi there...

I know it's been a while and I am sorry to have let
so much time go by.

I've been busy in a boot camp getting more learning
to continue to build my business and to  help you
build yours.

Today, I want to share my marketing tip for today.
And just in case you may not know this, I give a
tip daily. 

So today's is:

Theresa's Marketing Tip: Abandon The "It's All
About Me" Mentality.

This business is a business of service. What do
you have to offer? What do you have to share?

People may be looking for what you have but
what's more important to them is how you come
across to them.

If you look at people as your commissions,
they'll sense it. If you look at them as a means to get
that last point to rank advance, they'll feel that.

In both cases, it's all about you and not about them.
And that's a mistake!

If you want to do well in this industry, you have to
embrace the fact that...It's NOT all about YOU...

You have to make it all about THEM.

Their only concern is how much you care about them
and what you do to help and empower them.

That's what they'll be looking for.

When a potential customer feels your caring and
concern and also feels better about themselves
because of you, they're more inclined to stick

with you and do business with you.

By adopting this mentality of service, you'll naturally
receive your due. 

Hope you find this helpful and let me know your

If you have any questions or concerns, reach out...
I'm around!! 

Hope you have a wonderful day and

happy marketing!!

Until next time,

Your partner on the journey!


Click HERE to learn about the marketing system I use 
and recommend.

Don't Forget to Follow Me!! 





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purchased. Results are unique. Your results will vary.

Parts of this email are an advertisement...but it

really is just me, providing you with ways to help

your business grow.