Subject: It Was A Typical Company Event...

It Was A Typical Company Event…

Everybody was signing in, registering and chit chatting
with friends and associates.

And when the host appeared on the stage, everyone
was expecting the usual rundown of the agenda,
the guest speakers, recognition award candidates
and of course, where the bathrooms were.

I'm sure you know what I'm talking about because
you've probably been to your share of company 
events. Right?

But at this one, something unexpected happened. 

Something that never happened at any company

They showed a video! 

Not just any video but the one I’m sharing with you.

You're probably thinking, "What's so unusual about a video?"

Nothing, really. But THIS video packed a powerful punch.
And being that it was shown at the very beginning caught
people off guard.

The video was powerful, yes, but yet it was also calming.

It delivered such an important message that everyone who
heard it was moved someway, somehow.

Check it out HERE and hit reply to let me know
your thoughts.


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Parts of this email are an advertisement...but it
really is just me, providing you with ways to help
your business grow.