Subject: Hi! Did you get your free training?

Hey there!

It's Theresa Lovelace. You just visited my site and asked for

some great free internet training. 

I just wanted to make sure you got it and also let you know

about what I will be sending you over the next few weeks.

That's of course if you want it.  If not, you can also scroll

down and unsubscribe.

What I have for you is a collection of great training on how

to build your business on the internet and some stories of

people who have done really well.

Some of these trainings and stories are pre-programmed

to go out to you automatically and some days, I will write you

personally to let you know about live events that are going on.

We have some incredible events every week that are absolutely

open to the public.  Come to any that interest you.

And of course, I'm always around to give you a hand if you

need it.

If you are looking for anything special, be sure to ask.  I have a

whole vault of training videos that I can provide to you


Plus you can hit reply and send me a message.  I am here to help.

So that's it for now.  If you did not get your free training, just let

me know and I'll send it right out or if you have questions,

shoot me a note.

To your success,


P.S. If you want to check out the marketing system I use to

generate leads, you can see it HERE

Theresa Lovelace