Subject: Hey Friend, Do You Strike While The Iron Is Hot? - from Theresa

Hi Friend,

How's it going? I hope all is well!

I'm sure you've heard that expression 

before, "Strike while the iron is hot". 

Sounds a little bizarre but in actuality, 

it's just an expression that's sending an 


I think the message is an important one, 

especially when you're marketing

your product/service. Remember, the

fortune is in the follow-up.


How often have you met with someone 

or communicated with someone about 

your product/service or opportunity?

After the presentation or exposure, you 

schedule a time to follow-up with them. 

In some cases, though, the follow-up 

doesn't happen or it happens several 

days later.  

This is not professional and we don't 

want to give our potential customers 

the wrong idea about who we are.


You want to be viewed as a 

professional who keeps his/her word 

and appointments.  


Additionally, if someone is 

thinking about making a purchase or 

even partnering with you in your 

business, you want to make the sale 

or close right away while he is still 

excited and enthusiastic about the 

product, service or opportunity.

Once that initial feeling of euphoria 

dissipates, it will be more difficult to 

get it back.


As the old idiom states, "Strike while 

the iron is hot."

This is a great practice to implement 

because in many cases, money is left 

on the table because we fail to follow-up 

or we fail to follow-up in a timely manner. 

It's also an excellent way to build lasting 

relationships, which is so key in this 



I know quite a few people who have a 

difficult keeping track of their customers 

and their appointment times and dates. 

This is not healthy for the business. 

If you need help with that, there's a 

wonderful system that does all the

work for you. Check it out right here


Well, that's all for now. Remember,

Strike while the iron is hot!

Hope you have a beautiful day and 

happy marketing!!


Until next time, 
Your partner on the journey!


Don't Forget to Follow Me!! 





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 *The sender of this email receives compensation 

when products and services featured herein are

purchased. Results are unique. Your results will vary.

Parts of this email are an advertisement...but it

really is just me, providing you with ways to help

your business grow.