Subject: Hey, Friend, What's In Your Week?

Hi, Friend,

Hope all is well!

Have you ever seen that Capital One commercial where
Samuel Jackson holds up the credit card and looks straight into
the camera and asks, "What's in your wallet?"

What he's really trying to say is that you should have something that
will provide you with some value when you need it.

I was thinking earlier about how many people I speak to tell me that
they are overwhelmed and can't seem to find the time to do everything
having a business entails with the added pressure of having a family
and in some cases, a full time job.

So they find themselves going from one activity to the next, in no
particular order and no set frequency. Guess what? They're not
seeing results.

If you are in an MLM company, you have the luxury of working part time,
full time or spare time. The trick is to make it work for you.

You do this by scheduling your time, for each and every day.
Get yourself a daily planner and record what you want to accomplish
each day.

Don't schedule too many things because the whole idea is to get
whatever it is...done!

Once you make a solid plan on what you want to do, you get on with the
business of getting it done!

For example, if you have a full-time job, you may schedule phone
calls between 7-8PM. Or you may have to write content and put it
out into the that from 6:30-7:00PM. You could devote
your linch hour to making follow up calls.

Schedule just enough so as not to be overwhelmed. You still need time
to play with your children!

When you don't schedule your time, you end up spinning your wheels
and will soon feel like you're not accomplishing anything.

if you take some time the night before or even on the weekend and
schedule your week, you'll be amazed at how much time you really do
have and how much more you will get done.

So...what's in YOUR week? Let there be activities that prove of value
to you in your journey to success!

Until next time,


P.S. Here's some information about an excellent

system that you may be interested in.

Follow the link ==>

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*The sender of this email receives compensation

when products and services featured herein are
purchased. Results are unique. Your results will vary.

Parts of this email are an advertisement...but it
really is just me, providing you with ways to help
your business grow.