Subject: Hey Friend, Have you ever signed a contract? - from Theresa


Have you ever signed a contract without
reading it first?

People are asked to sign contracts everyday
for a variety of things: a gym membership,
a vehicle purchase, a new home, a cell
phone and more.

Often times they'll skim through the contract
because it may be very short or completely
disregard the contents of the contract
because it's very long.

In any case, signing a contract without
reading it can be a serious mistake.

Something else to be considered is the fact
that there's legal language you won't
understand so reading it yourself can still
pose a major problem for you down the road.

The best way to protect yourself and make
sure what you were promised is what's
clearly stated in the contract, is to have a
knowledgeable attorney review it for you.

In addition, an experienced attorney can
identify blanks in the contract that could
possibly be filled in AFTER you sign it.

Have an attorney review your contract
before signing on the dotted line!
Hope you got value.

FACT: Having every contract you need to sign
reviewed by an attorney can be expensive.
If you live in the US or Canada, email me to learn
how you can get unlimited contracts reviewed
BEFORE you sign them without breaking the bank!

That's it for now.

Until next time, 
Your partner on the journey!


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