Subject: Get Leads From Your Fan Page

Good morning Friend,

On my way out but wanted to share today's marketing.

Do you have a Facebook Fan Page? It's also called a

business page.

This is a great place to get leads and cultivate relationships.

But lots of marketers need clarity on what to put on their page.

Theresa's Marketing Tip: Get Leads From Your Fan Page.

Fan pages reflect your business, however, a fan page
should never be overshadowed by your business.

When you have visitors to your page, you want them to
interact and engage in the content and come back again
and again.

This is another way to build relationships and have visitors
get to know, like and trust you and become leads in the

If your page is full of your business, ads, and products,
it will repel rather 
than attract.

A general formula for a fan page is 60% general interest
including lifestyle, inspirational and motivational quotes
and videos, open-ended questions, perhaps contests
and other engaging and interactive posts;

20% industry-related such as articles, checklists, and
answers to FAQs; 

20% the business which would include pictures, videos,
testimonials and reviews. Fan pages are a great way to
attract leads but to ensure that you are attracting
leads AND building those all-important relationships,
use the formula above.

That's it for now but feel free to contact me with any

questions or concerns. 

Hope you have a wonderful day and

happy marketing!!

Until next time,
Your partner on the journey!


Do you like Facebook for marketing? Here's a FREE
training on what "not" to do and stay out of Facebook
jail. CLICK HERE for the training! 

Don't Forget to Follow Me!! 







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 *The sender of this email receives compensation 

when products and services featured herein are

purchased. Results are unique. Your results will vary.

Parts of this email are an advertisement...but it

really is just me, providing you with ways to help

your business grow.