Subject: Genie in a Bottle

Hi Friend,

How are you? I hope all is well!

I was looking at some videos last night
of some old TV shows. Some were so
popular in their time that they left an
impression that can still be felt today.

A lot of them are on cable and so
we can still enjoy the innocence of television
that was back then.

One of my favorites was the one about an
astronaut who crash landed on a deserted
island and while on the beach stumbled
onto a bottle.

The bottle contained a genie who had
been a victim of a curse and upon
opening the bottle and releasing her, she
was now his beloved servant.

Maybe you remember it or heard of it!

All Jeannie wanted to do in the show was serve
her "master".

You know, I kinda feel like a genie in a bottle.
I feel like Jeannie.

I just want to serve you. I know you are
building your business and you may need

The truth is, building a business is hard
work and it's even harder if you don't
have the necessary skill set to make it

There are a lot of people who are putting
their links all over the place. You may be
one of them.

They may get a hit here and there but is
that really enough to build the kind of
business that will give you the total
time and financial freedom you seek
or help you leave a legacy for your family?

This IS what you want, right?
Think about it! I'm here to help you in
any way I can.

Looking for some free training? I got

Looking for tried and true courses
by top earners in the industry? I got that.

How about some inspiration and
motivation? Got that too!

When I email you, it's to help and support
you. What do you need the most? Tell me,
so I can make your wish come true!

Send me an email if there is something
in particular that you require!

Remember, my other name is Jeannie!

So, here's a little inspiration for you because
everyone can use that:
To find what you seek in the road of life,
the best proverb of all is that which says:
"Leave no stone unturned."
---Edward Bulwer Lytton

How about some motivation:
Believe in yourself! Have faith in your
abilities! Without a humble but reasonable
confidence in your own powers you
cannot be successful or happy.
---Norman Vincent Peale

Here's a FREE training.
If you want to sell more stuff, you gotta know
how to tell stories. This training will show
you how.

If you want to learn videomarketing
but your own fear has kept you back,
this training will help you get rid of
those fears once and for all.

Hey,I'm kinda liking this "genie" job! :)

Hope you enjoy the FREE trainings and let me hear from you!

Until next time,

Remember to follow me...
For much more tips, tricks, training, inspiration and

Get social with me and visit my FB pages: like,
comment and share the good stuff!

For the best inspiration and motivation
with my personal touch!

For a collection of exciting things
I like and I'm sure some things you like!

Linked In
For more business-oriented posts!

*The sender of this email receives compensation
when products and services featured herein are
purchased. Results are unique. Your results will vary.
Parts of this email are an advertisement...but it
really is just me, providing you with ways to help
your business!