Subject: GAME ON...


How's it going?

I'm glad that you are still in the game, making things
happen! Stick with it....your breakthrough is on
its way!

Today, I had my appointment. OMG I was dreading it
all week. I had to get a route canal.

Now I don't know about you but ever since I was a
kid, I always heard about route canals in the
context of...pain and fear!

And even though there have been some advancements
in dentistry since those days, I was still anxious about it.

So, I walked into the office and signed in then waited to  
be called and with my luck...

...I got called right away. 

I was brought into the room and the dentist came and
greeted me.

He asked me some questions and then...GAME ON!!

As I sat there totally petrified of feeling any kind of pain
I began to realize...there was none.  Not even a little bit! 

The dentist drilled and picked and at one point, I even
saw smoke.  Yes, imagine that!!

I should have been thinking about more positive things
but rather I was distracted by the dentist's "bells and

But...thankfully, there was no pain!

What a relief!!

As I drove home, I started thinking about my experience
and how in some ways, people have a similar experiences 
when they begin in their business...

...or even some who are aleady in business. 

Just being nervous and fearful of what may happen.

Fear takes up a lot of valuable time when the focus should
be on YOU getting the work done. 

Also, the "noise" that's all around you can be a distraction
like it was for me this morning.

If you're worried about business, don't.

Things will go
smoothly as long as you believe they will,
tune out the distractions and keep working 
toward your goals. 

Focus on your daily activities and always begin your day
with this thought and attitude...GAME ON! 

Have an incredible day!

Until next time...


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