Subject: Ever Make A Promise - from Theresa

Hello, hello!

How's it going, Friend?

Hope all is well!

Just a quick share today because I am on the 

Did you ever make a promise?

Did you keep it?

In business, it's really important to keep any
promises you make. 

It speaks volumes about your reliability and
most importantly, your integrity.

My marketing tip:
Keep Your Word. You'll be interacting with a lot
of people - prospects, customers, team members
and others - on your marketing journey.

You'll make appointments to meet with people
or to call them at more convenient times or as
a follow up.

There will be times when you may have others
call you, as a leader, if help is needed or a
question needs to be answered.

If you tell someone you're going to call them
back at a designated time, call them back at that

If you
 set up a meeting, make it your business
to be there and to be on time.

If you invite network marketers to email you or
call you with any questions, be warm and helpful
when they do.

You always want to keep your professional
image as you keep your word.

This is good for business and it's good for
your brand.

That's it for now!

If you need me, I'm around. Always here to help
and serve!

Your partner on the journey!

P.S. Click HERE to learn more about the marketing 
system I'm using to help me generate leads, sign up reps
and make money from the 90% of people who say NO to 
my opportunity!

Success quote: “The foundation stones for a 
balanced success are honesty, character, integrity

faith, love and loyalty.”
 —Zig Ziglar

Email me:
Text me! 646-573-3850

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Parts of this email are an advertisement...but it
really is just me, providing you with ways to help
your business grow.