Subject: Do YOU Want To Delve in DEEP?

Hello, hello...

How are you?

I'm getting ready for a company conference call but
wanted to write you quickly to share my marketing tip 
for today!

How often do you stumble onto someone's website
and sign up for a free offer, training or Ebook?

These freebies are offered everywhere.

You signed up for one and that's how you ended up 
on my list?

I'm happy to give you tips, free training, resources, 
tools, motivation and inspiration...

And every time I have something valuable, I will pass it 
on to you...

That's how this works!

But some people sign up because they only want the 
freebie. And in so doing, give false contact info. 

There's nothing wrong with wanting a freebie but 
understand that a freebie just gives you a small taste 
of the topic.

You need more information if you're going to delve 
in deep.

Do YOU want to delve in DEEP? 

If you're in this business, I'm sure you do. 


Read my tip for today...

I hope you get some value! 

Gotta run...

Theresa's Marketing Tip: Honesty On Capture Pages 
Yields More Learning For The Marketer. 

When answering a capture page offer, remember the word 

Although the offer is there for you to make use of, 
the person offering it wants to get your contact 
information to keep you abreast of other offers, trainings 
and important information you could benefit from. 

Be fair. Intentionally putting in incorrect information shows
a lack of integrity and disregard for your fellow network 
marketer on the other side. 

In addition, you sell yourself short because the free offer, 
whether it be a training or something else is giving you only 
a "taste" of the topic. 

In order for you to implement the strategy fully, and 
receive more valuable learning and knowledge in the 
future, you need to go all the way. 

Fill in those capture pages with your real information 
and you'll reap the benefits of fair play. 

Have a wonderful day and 
happy marketing!!

Until next time,

Your partner on the journey!


HERE to learn about the marketing system I use 
and recommend.

Don't Forget to Follow Me!! 





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 *The sender of this email receives compensation 

when products and services featured herein are

purchased. Results are unique. Your results will vary.

Parts of this email are an advertisement...but it

really is just me, providing you with ways to help

your business grow.