Subject: Do Not Open Before Christmas - from Theresa

Hey there Friend

How's it going? 

Do you remember as a kid seeing
Christmas presents all wrapped up 
under the tree?

On some of the packages there was
a tag that said, "Do Not Open Before

What was the ONE thing you wanted
to do when you saw that tag?

Open the gift, right!

Well, there's something about curiosity
that makes people want to know more...

Like what's in that box!

In writing blog posts and in email marketing,
it's pretty much the same...

You put your heart and soul into writing a
blog post, providing tons of value
but who's interested in reading it?

When you write your list, you want them
to open your email and read it and gain
the value you're providing.

But how often are people opening your

How many times do you check your data
and find that you've gotten little or no opens?

How often do  you get even one comment on
your blog post?

See the problem may not be your message, 
it may be your "Christmas tag" or what you're
using to generate curiosity.

In the case of your blog post, your "Christmas
tag" is your title.
In the case of email marketing, your
"Christmas tag" is your subject line. 

This is what your readers/subscribers see first
and if it's not appealing, they won't even open
the email or read the blog post.

So, how do get your emails opened?

How do get people curious enough to read
your blog posts?

In this blog post, 5 tactics are shared that will
hook your prospects in 15 seconds or less!

This is a blog post you'll want to read...take
notes and implement.

You can read it HERE.

That's it for now!

If you have any questions or need anything, 
just reply to this email or reach out to me on  

By the way, if you are struggling or need help, 
hesitate to reach out. The longer you 
stay hidden 
and struggling, the sooner your 
business will 
fail. Ask for help now!

I'm always here to help and serve!

Your partner on the journey!

P.S. NEW: 100% Commission Plan Allows You To Earn Up 
To $18,497 From Just One Customer. Click Here To Find 
Out How You Can Start Collecting HUGE Commissions 
Checks Too.

Text me! 646-573-3850

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*The sender of this email receives compensation
when products and services featured herein are
purchased. Results are unique. Your results will vary.
Parts of this email are an advertisement...but it
really is just me, providing you with ways to help.