Subject: Friend Do You Experience Setbacks? - from Theresa

Hi Friend,

Hope you are well today and rearing to go!

I was speaking to someone yesterday who
wants to quit!

She has been trying to build her business online
for quite sometime but hasn't gotten results. 

I understand how she feels and know there are a
lot of others who may be feeling the same way.

So, I want to share this message with you for some
Don’t Be Discouraged By Setbacks.

Your network marketing journey will have its ups
and downs. 

Celebrate the successes no matter how big or small.

Keep focused and continue to do the activities that
give you success no matter how small! 

If, on the other hand, you have setbacks, don’t look
at them as failures.

Look at them as opportunities to re-evaluate what 
you’re doing and think of ways to make

The most important  thing is to persevere.

Through the ups and downs, the good and bad….
keep going, keep moving, keep pushing.

Success is yours or the taking if you just don’t give up!

If you have any questions or need my assistance for
please  don't hesitate to contact me.

Until next time, 
Your partner on the journey!

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