Subject: Business Couldn't Be Better - from Theresa

Hello Friend,

How's it going?

It's another beautiful day and no
matter where you may live, any day
is beautiful because each day
is a gift!

So, today, I wanted to be frank with

As marketers in this industry, we all
know about the statistics!

97% of all network marketers fail while
only 3% succeed.

Where will you fall...where DO you fall?

Are/Will you be in the 3% or are/will you be in
the 97%??

Of course, everyone wants to be in the 3%...

But it takes work...

And not everyone is willing to do the

Are You?

Are you willing?

I speak to so many marketers and each
one tells me that when it comes to their

They are doing JUST FINE!


They insist that they are DOING WELL!

They're making A LOT OF MONEY!



So the statistics MUST be wrong!

Know what I think?

I think it's just that people don't want to
admit that they need HELP!!!

It's nothing to be ashamed of...

If you wanted to be a chef and didn't have
any training yet, would you be expected to
prepare a grand feast for a celebrity bash??

I doubt it...

Just because you want something, doesn't
mean that you are qualified...


Just because you're not qualified...
doesn't mean that you won't ever be!

So in this business, your business, you
need training!

Plain and simple!

That's all it takes!

And if you deny that, you'll end up in the 97%.

I'm telling you like it is!

If you're struggling every day...

Can't recruit anyone...

Not making sales...

Money just not coming in...

It's because you need a game

So you can get the results you want!

I would like to introduce you a marketing
system that I am using...

Me and thousands of other marketers...

It has saved many businesses and can save

Ever hear of Ray Higdon, Diane Hochman,
Rob Fore?

These are just a few of the top earners
in the industry who passed through the doors of
this system...My Lead System Pro!

And all will admit that MLSP is what gave
their businesses the PUSH they needed for
their massive sucess!

Click HERE to learn more about MY Lead
System Pro and how it can help you 
generate leads, sign up reps 
and make 
money from the 90% of people who say 
NO to your

I told you I was going to be frank!

I just don't want to see you struggling in your
business when there is help available!

That's it for now!

But if you need me, I'm around!

Have a wonderful day!


Your partner on the journey!

P.S. Check out my 
For much more tips, tricks, training, inspiration and

Email me:
Text me! 646-573-3850

Remember to follow me...

Get social with me and visit my FB pages: like,
comment and share the good stuff!

For the best inspiration and motivation
with my personal touch! And daily marketing tips too!

For a collection of exciting things
I like and I'm sure some things you like!

*The sender of this email receives compensation
when products and services featured herein are
purchased. Results are unique. Your results will vary.
Parts of this email are an advertisement...but it
really is just me, providing you with ways to help
your business grow.