Subject: Be Honest On Capture Pages

Hey Friend,

How's it going? Hope all is well!

I just finished posting my daily marketing tip and

want to make sure it's available to you.

Have you ever created an irresistable lead magnet?

In case you're not familiar with that term, a lead

magnet is an offer that attracts prospects to your


A lead magnet is found on a lead capture page.

Once there, prospects have the opportunity to

receive the free offer in exchange for their

contact information.

Problem is that there are so many people who

stumble onto your website and want the "freebie"

but not willing to give their infomration.

Instead, they purposely give incorrect information.

Then when you try to contact them with valuable

offers, free training etc., they are nowhere to be


Here's today's marketing tip:

THERESA'S MARKETING TIP: Be Honest On Capture Pages.
When answering a capture page offer, remember the
word integrity.

Although the offer is there for you to make use of, the
person offering it wants to get your contact information
to keep you abreast of other offers, trainings and
important information you could benefit from.

Be fair. Intentionally putting in incorrect information
shows a lack of integrity and disregard for your fellow
network marketer on the other side.

In addition, you sell yourself short because the free
offer, whether it be a training, Ebook or something else
is giving you only a "taste" of the topic.

In order for you to implement the strategy fully, you
need to go all the way. You need to become a "master"
at it.

Remember, taking a 101 course in college doesn't
make you an expert in the field. You have to take
the subsequent courses to solidify your knowledge
on the topic.

So, fill in those capture pages with your real
information and you'll reap the benefits of fair
play. :)
Hope you found value in this and if you like content
like this loaded with value,
visit ==> for
even more.

Well, that's all for now. Remember,

Be honest on those capture pages!

Hope you have a wonderful day and

happy marketing!!

Until next time,
Your partner on the journey!


P.S. Not seeing results in your marketing? Wanna learn how to

create high-converting lead capture pages? Check out MLSP.

Don't Forget to Follow Me!! 







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 *The sender of this email receives compensation 

when products and services featured herein are

purchased. Results are unique. Your results will vary.

Parts of this email are an advertisement...but it

really is just me, providing you with ways to help

your business grow.