Subject: BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS 101 - from Theresa

Happy Friday, Friend,

Hope all is well and things are moving

Today, I want to give you a tip about
you may be having online. 

There IS a method and it will serve you
better if 
you knew what the method was...

And began using 
it to get those
conversations going and 
building relationships

Everyone wants eyes on their service,
product or opportunity.

Unfortunately, not everyone is going
about it the right way.

If you are the one initiating a conversation,
remember your primary goal is to BUILD A

When you start questioning a person at the
onset about his/her goals...

And if the goals were reached...

And if they're making money...

And proposing a "better" way...
You risk the possibility of repelling them.

People are not comfortable talking about
their goals to perfect strangers.

Would you? 

If a stranger started asking you a bunch of
questions about your goals, how would
you react?

When you start out that way, you imm
put the person on guard...
And it's a very awkward position to
be in...for that person and it could be for

Here's a better way...


Build relationships first by using F.O.R.M.
(family, occupation, recreation and message)

People are comfortable talking about their
families and what they do for a living or for

They actually like it when someone takes a 
genuine interest in them...their fears, struggles
and challenges in life!

After the initial conversation and subsequent
more, a relationship is built and you know
more about the person and his/her needs.

Now it's perfectly acceptable and less awkward
to present your message and what you have
to offer.

Remember to use F.O.R.M

That's it for now!

If you have any questions or need anything, 
just reply to this email or reach out to me on  

I'm always here to help and serve!

Your partner on the journey!

P.S. Click HERE to get this ATTRACTION 
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Text me! 646-573-3850

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Parts of this email are an advertisement...but it
really is just me, providing you with ways to help.