Subject: Amazing Things Happen... (from Theresa)

Hi again Friend,

Hope you had a fabulous day!

It was an extremely cold day here

and they're predicting snow!

I spent the day working on my

business, talking to people and

hearing their stories. 

So many marketers need help

and I enjoy being someone who

can give it to them.

I love being in business and I

love giving fellow 
network marketers

and entrepreneurs tips that I

have picked up along the way. 

It's always good 
to hear different

perspectives or learn tried and true

strategies to implement into your


We all 
learn from each other. Right?

I am a student as 
well as a teacher

and welcome any new learning to 

help me build my business.

So, I do the same...share!


Here's a marketing tip I would like

to share 
with you today.


Network marketing is a relationships 


If you want to see results, you have

to begin 
building and nurturing


I recently 
heard that, "Amazing things

happen when you 
shake a few hands."

This is so true because 
when you build

relationships with other 
people in your

niche or maybe not in your niche,

you never know what connection

be THE impetus that puts your

success in launch 

Reach out to other network marketers

Facebook and other social media,

join some Fa
cebook and other network

marketing groups, attend live

networking events often.

Always look for ways 
you can serve

others inside as well as outside

your network marketing opportunity.

The relationship 
factor is the key

factor in network marketing.

ahead and start building some

relationships today 
that will benefit

your connection now and you

in the long run.


I hope you found value in this and

I look forward to 
sharing more

marketing tips and other goodies

with you in the near future.


Until then,


Your Partner on the journey!

P.S. Would you like to know more about
Attraction Marketing and how you become
a sought-after leader in the marketplace?
Click HERE