Subject: 5 For The Week - from Theresa

Hello Friend and Happy Monday!

Hope all is well!

Getting back on track, I would like to
continue the tradition of Motivation

Since we're all working hard,  striving for 
our own success, we can all use

Motivation touches upon our struggles
yet gives us words to ponder so we stay in
the game.

So, on that note, Friend, here are 5
motivational quotes, one for each day of the

1. "
No one is going to hand me success.
I must go out & get it myself. That’s why
I’m here. To dominate. To conquer. Both
the world, and myself." 
— Unknown

2. “Welcome every morning with a smile.
Look on the
new day as another special gift
from your Creator,
another golden
opportunity.”– Og Mandino

3. “Accept responsibility for your life. Know
that it is you
who will get you where you
want to go, no one else.”

--Les Brown

4. “My philosophy is that not only are you
responsible for
your life, but doing the best
at this moment puts you in
the best place
for the next moment.”– Oprah Winfrey

5. “When one door closes, another opens;
but we
often look so long and so regretfully
upon the closed
door that we do not see the
one which has opened
for us.”
– Alexander Graham Bell

So there you have it...5 for the week!

I hope they keep you focused, motivated and ready
to take on 
the world!

That's it for now!

If you have any questions or need anything, 
just reply to this email or reach out to me on  

By the way,  if you're struggling in your 
business and don't ask for help, it will take 
you that much longer to be successful. 

I'm always here to help and serve!

Your partner on the journey!

P.S. Discover And Solve The 3 Biggest Problems That 
Are Holding You Back From Earning As Much As You're 
Worth. (Hint: Most affiliate programs make you do all the 
work and reap all of the rewards on the backend)

Text me! 646-573-3850

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