Subject: 3 Places To Get Ideas For Blog Posts - from Theresa

Hello Friend, 

How's it going?

Hope all is well!

So wonderful to be given another day to learn,
to take action and to be of service to others!

Since yesterday's newsletter talked about  blog posts,
I thought it would good to just touch on where to get
ideas for blog posts.

That's something I know people are always asking

So I would like to share three ways to get ideas...

The first is from other people. 

If you talk to people on a regular basis, you are no 
doubt hearing some of their struggles and pains.

These are perfect topics to write about.

Remember, the point of the post is to present the
problem then offer a solution.

Second, think of some of your own daily struggles
and how you overcome them.

More great topics for blog posts.

(And don't ever underestimate the value of your own 
struggle - there's a wealth of learning there for people
having the very same issues.)

Finally, you can write about what you learned in
attending webinars, listening to podcasts, reading
personal development books, free video trainings,
seminars, etc.

These are all excellent vehicles for learning 
and then teaching.

So there you have it...

Three sources of ideas for what to write about.

I hope you got some value and if you need more 

information about this topic of blog post ideas, feel 
free to reply to this email!

You can also consider an excellent course by pro
blogger, Ray Higdon!

Click HERE to learn more!

That's it for now!
But if you need me, I'm around!
Have a wonderful day!
Your partner on the journey!

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