Subject: 10 Easy Ways To Position Yourself As A Leader

Hi Friend,

How's it going?

Are you familiar with attration marketing?

If not, you should be. That's the marketing strategy where you
attract people to you rather than you chase them down, losing
friends and angering family members in the process.

None of them believe in your business and don't want any parts of

If you're lucky enough to have their support and business
you're in great shape. But for the most part, it doesn't happen
like that.


What attraction marketing teaches is that YOU become a leader by
providing content in the marketplace. Since there are thousands,
if not more, struggling in their businesses, they are looking for
help. By you providing this help, you become a leader in their

Here's a post I just wrote about what you can do to position
yourself as a leader in the marketplace and gain followers,
prospects, customers and business partners in the process.

It begins here: When new network marketers are first introduced
to attraction marketing, one of main things they hear is, "You
have to position yourself as a leader. That's when people will
begin to notice you and follow you.

Eventually, they'll buy from you but not before you put value
into the marketplace."

Those words scared me when I first began marketing.
"What value could I possibly put into the marketplace," I

"I'm a former teacher/administrator. I know lots about children
and instruction but I know nothing about marketing."

I soon learned, though, that we all have value
and what we don't know, we make up for by what we learn.

Continue reading here==>

Hope you enjoyed reading this post and got a lot of value from
it. If so, feel free to share it with someone you know who could
benefit from the message.

As always, I will do my best to always provide value and appreciate you
reading my newsletters.

Until next time and to your success,
Your partner on the journey,

Remember to follow me...


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*The sender of this email receives compensation

when products and services featured herein are
purchased. Results are unique. Your results will vary.

Parts of this email are an advertisement...but it
really is just me, providing you with ways to help
your business grow.