Subject: Improve Your Team’s Energy With These 3 Simple Tips

Improve Your Team’s Energy With These 3 Simple Tips

July 6th, 2016 at 8:00 am EDT

Improve Your Team’s Energy With These 3 Simple TipsHi Friend, How can I get more teamwork out of my team? How can I help my team be more passionate and care? Have you ever asked yourself these questions? Teamwork is not something that happens beca ...

Increasing Productivity - Best Video I Have Ever Seen On This

June 23rd, 2016 at 8:00 am EDT

How to Increase Your Productivity – Best Video I Have Ever Seen on This! Friend One topic I love writing about is time management and how to increase productivity. I came across a video recently that has some really great stuff on how to increase ...

Teamwork and The Prisoners Dilemma – What Would You Do? 3 Tips

June 22nd, 2016 at 7:30 am EDT

Teamwork and The Prisoners Dilemma – What Would You Do? 3 Tips Friend Years ago I played a teamwork mind game called the “Prisoner’s Dilemma.” Maybe you have heard of it? Two criminals – who are co-conspirators – are locked away in two s ...

How's Your Attitude? Powerful Story For All Leaders

June 21st, 2016 at 7:30 am EDT

Story For All Leaders – How’s Your Attitude? Life is What You Make it! Friend, Would you agree that your attitude ultimately determines how you lead? Believe me, I know how difficult it can be to lead. What starts with excitement can quickly turn ...

Is Your Swearing Costing You Respect as a Leader? 3 Things to Consider

June 9th, 2016 at 7:30 am EDT

Is Your Swearing Costing You Respect As A Leader? 3 Things To Consider Friend I have had leaders who swore a lot. And I have had other leaders who swore some, but refrained from swearing when I was around out of respect. Career Builder did an intere ...

Two Sad Teamwork Videos - Does Your Team Work Smart?

June 8th, 2016 at 7:30 am EDT

It May Be Teamwork! But Is It Always Productive? 2 Team Videos To Share Hi Friend Is teamwork always productive? When you watch these two videos you get a sense that may not always be the case. One of the important challenges of leaders is to foster ...

Is Yours a Messy Desk, Clean Desk or Organized Desk? - Top 6 Tips

June 1st, 2016 at 7:30 am EDT

Is Yours a Messy Desk, Clean Desk or Organized Desk? - Top 6 TipsHi Friend, Does your messy desk look like something out of the reality TV show “Hoarders?” Do you tell people your messy desk is an organized desk? Is your clean desk really that o ...

I Love This Simple Goal Reaching Stategy

May 25th, 2016 at 7:30 am EDT

This May Be One of The Best Goal Reaching Strategies Ever! Hi Friend If you are setting regular and specific goals as a leader, congratulations. However, you may still be missing a big opportunity. Though many leaders say they are setting goals, few ...

Bad Mood? 4 Easy and Fast Ways to Cheer Yourself Up

May 24th, 2016 at 7:30 am EDT

Bad Mood? 4 Easy and Fast Ways to Cheer Yourself UpHi Friend, Leadership can be hard and discouraging at times. Bad moods when things don’t go well can become a regular outcome of your ups and downs as a leader. Here are four suggestions you can us ...

Are You a "Dumbo" Leader? Important Tip for Caring Leaders

May 18th, 2016 at 7:30 am EDT

Are you a “Dumbo” Leader? Important Tip for Caring LeadersHi Friend, Okay, so has this every happened to you? Your responding to a question someone is asking and as you do the person’s body language and facial expressions tell you they don’t ...