Subject: Wondering what you missed in May? Teamwork and Leadership Bloggings

Top 5 Teamwork and Leadership Posts for May Subscribe
Teamwork and Leadership Bloggings

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Inspirational Teamwork Story - Something to think about...

In the daily grind of life we sometimes fail to recognize all of the good that is done on our behalf. Here is an inspirational teamwork story I heard the other day that demonstrates that there are many working on a team that we often times fail to recognize for their good work. Read more...
5 Ways to Deal with Employee Mistakes

I would like to follow up on one of our popular posts last month "Leaders make mistakes - do you admit them? 3 reasons you should." What do you do about employee mistakes?  Making mistakes at work is going to happen, right? How you handle employee mistakes is going to say a lot about you as a leader. Read more...
Leadership and Integrity - Two Powerful Leadership Stories to Tell

There are many important attributes of great leaders; integrity is at the top of the list. Here are two leadership and integrity stories that you might want to share with your teams. Both stories have something very interesting in common. Read more...
Late to a Meeting? 5 Tips to Make it Worse!

So your late to a meeting. So what right? If you really cared about being there on time you wouldn't have been late to the meeting in the first place, correct? Here are five tips to make things even worse. They work every time - guarantee it! Read more...
Leaders Swearing at Work (Offensive Language) - Is it Okay?

Last night we went as a family to watch a Major League soccer game. The team we were cheering for won the game in the 93rd minute! It was a thriller. But what wasn't so thrilling was the language used by the two "early twenty somethings" behind us. Read more...