Subject: Why Is It Always The Leader's Fault? Who's Responsible For Teamwork?

Why Is It Always The Leader’s Fault? Who's Responsible for Teamwork?

8 Questions Every Great Teammate Must Ask (Below)

If someone asked you whose responsible for teamwork, what would you say? Most would point to the one at the head of the table – the leader. While that is an acceptable answer, it is only part of the answer.

While it is true that leaders have an important responsibility in hiring those on the team, playing an important role in fostering trust on the team, creating a compelling vision and holding members of the team accountable – team members also have just as an important or more important accountability to teamwork.

Think of it like an orchestra. While the conductor can create expectations and even incentives around practice time and performance – she can’t sit with each orchestra member forcing them to do it the way she desires. And certainly she can’t pour the feeling, emotion and synergy into each musician to create the beauty of the perfect symphony. The conductor guides, but the musicians perform.

While I understand ultimate accountability is always on the leader, we often don’t put enough of the accountability on the team. At some point each member of the team must step up in a significant way to make it all come together.

The greatest teams I have ever watched or have been a part of – the leader didn’t have to do much because the members of the team were passionate about what they were doing. Because teammates were passionate about what they were doing, they cared deeply about doing it together.

Members of these types of teams won’t let another member fail. They won’t allow mediocre performance either. They are passionate about succeeding together.

Leaders must set up the framework so teams can succeed, but after that it is critical that each member of the team step up and lead from within.

Team members must ask of themselves the following questions:

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