Subject: This is Pretty Important On Teams

Note: You are receiving this email because either you expressed an interest in, or received a copy of Michael's Amazon bestselling book "You Are the Team—6 Simple Ways Teammates Can Go from Good to Great."

Hi All,

Before I talk about the one thing all teams must be doing, I wanted to let you know that I am about to release four free training videos in the next two weeks that each of you will get exclusive access to for being a member of this group.

The training I am providing is based off my book You Are the Team—6 Simple Ways Teammates Can Go from Good to Great. I am going to share three powerful activities for your team that you won't find anywhere else. I guarantee that what you will learn is going to change and improve your team forever. Be on the lookout for it. And feel free to share it with others.

I recently wrote a post on my blog (you can access my blog here) about a story I once read in the Wall Street Journal that tells of a woman who is doing something with her team that is pretty cool. Her name is Elizabeth Kaplin. She is a leader in a factory of a large team of 60 employees with only three women, including her, on the team.

She was finding it difficult to connect with her team. When she found out that many of the men on her team were exercising during lunch, she decided to join them. And because of her lead she motivated a number of others on her team to join as well. Every lunch hour they climb the “Culver City Stairs,” 282 steps that form a steep climb.

Her team that is joining her in exercise is not only building personal connections, but also enjoying greater health and more energy. One worker said, “Now that I started doing the stairs, I feel healthier and have a lot more energy. And when Elizabeth joins us we all seem to laugh a lot more.”

If there is one thing I teach, it is that teams must be spending time together. I love the creative way that this leader found to do that. 

When teammates get to know each other (including the leader), they start caring more about each other. As they start caring more about each other, they start becoming more vulnerable. As a result of greater vulnerability, trust increases which leads to stronger communication and better teamwork.

Teams that spend time together, stay together! What are you doing to find ways for your team to spend time together?

Note: I recently developed a speaking page that includes information on my keynotes, workshop (based off the book), written and video testimonials and speaking samples. I am always available to talk about your teams' needs and explore options. Feel free to call me at 1-888-310-3338 or shoot me a note at 
Happy Teamwork!

Michael Rogers

Speaking and Bulk Book Purchases:

Teamwork and Leadership, PO Box 262, Cedar City, UT 84721, United States
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