Subject: It's Right Around the Corner—2018 is a Great Year for Teams

Note: You are receiving this email because either you expressed an interest in, or received a copy of Michael's Amazon bestselling book "You Are the Team—6 Simple Ways Teammates Can Go from Good to Great."

Hi There,

It’s here. I am ready to launch my free four-part video team training series next week. It will completely change (and dramatically change) the way your team works together in 2018.

I’m not one to toot my own horn, but after seeing all of the pieces of the training finally coming together this week I’m prepared to make a pretty bold claim. Namely…

I am 100 PERCENT CONFIDENT that my InsideOut Method for Transforming Teams is going to magically change your team in ways that you never thought were possible. Trust on your team will increase, communication will improve, negativity will be replaced with positive energy, team members will take accountability for their job and performance, and commitment to the team will quickly rise.

Okay, I know you are probably thinking… How can I make such a huge claim?

Well, I can because I have created something very different from anything you have ever seen in terms of team development. I believe in real lasting change and what I will share with you will stick with your team and change your team culture forever.

Are you a little curious? Watch the four videos I will start releasing next week and it will all make sense as to why 2018 is going to be a special, even magical year for you and your team.

Look for the first video in your inbox on January 23rd.  
Happy Teamwork!

Michael Rogers

Speaking and Bulk Book Purchases:

Teamwork and Leadership, PO Box 262, Cedar City, UT 84721, United States
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