Subject: Correction - Teamwork And Leadership August 9, 2012, Thank You and You Are Welcome Goes a Long Ways!

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Be a Grateful Leader - Thank You and You're Welcome Goes a Long Ways!
A few years ago, I was having lunch with my 3 year old granddaughter and her mom. She has been taught to say thank you when someone does something for you. She said, "thank you" to the waiter who... Read More...
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How Leaders Can Develop an Attitude of Gratitude and Sleep Better Too!
Instead of worrying about everything you didn't get done and worrying about everything you have to get done, try focusing just on those things... Read More...
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The Best Leadership 101 Book on the Market!
I only recommend books I have read and really liked. Monday Morning Leadership is one of my favorites.

Very, very easy read packed with lots of helpful tips for new and existing leaders. Click here for more information.
With over 22,000 monthly visitors this might be an opportunity for you! We are looking for guest bloggers. Do you have a passion around Leadership and Team Development and want some good exposure for your blog or business? Go here...