Subject: progress and thoughts



There's approximately 20 people involved in the launch of Team Shift. Some of you are reporting daily. Some of you are reporting occasionally and some of you haven't participated yet. There's a few people on this list who have not been scheduled yet and we haven't forgotten you. I'm taking this carefully to see what kinds of problems come up.If you're getting this email and you've decided not to participate, please unsubscribe at the link on the bottom of the page.


Thought I'd mention three issues and perhaps how to correct them:

1. Some people have more dominant qualities and can cause someone who is more reserved or shy to feel intimidated. If you happen to be the one who is dominant, be sure and pay close attention to this. Give people the courage to speak up and voice their thoughts. Sometimes the quiet ones are extremely deep and have lots to offer. In general, do the getting to know each other after the official call. It will keep the space more sacred. If you're a more quiet one, then activate your courage and let others get to know you. The vision is to not judge anyone and create a safe space.


2. Just a few of you have joined the Yahoo Teamshift Group. This is going to be an important thing to do. I think there's going to be special channelings for TeamShift members via Daphne and/or Terry and I'll probably post them on the Yahoo group. Also you can post to each other, i.e. the greater TeamShift community. If you're group decides to invite others to visit you can post that. If you have someone who needs healing and would like the other groups to put that person"in the light" you can do that. If there's a planetary issue that is crucial I can send that out and you can all put that "in the light".


3. You feel self conscious when you call in the light and worry that it won't come in for you... Be patient and I suspect that will change within a few weeks.


To join the Yahoo Group go here

It gives an opportunity for you to send a group mailing to the entire TeamShift community.


Oren Weinrib is helping me to coordinate this. You can email him at He probably already has paid a visit to your group.


The most recent "State of the Planet" channeling (last night) via Daphne made some comments about Team Shift. I sent it out on The Spirit Channel but I'll post it again here.


Thanks to those of you who have shared your comments with Oren already. I going to post some below




"I am enjoying this tremendously and have noticed a definite change in my overall energy level and emotional harmony throughout the day. I look forward to the call each day."



"I am enjoying this work immensely despite the challenges with scheduling and attendance. Deep gratitude to you and Wynn for your continuing attention toward building this project."



"Thank you for checking in with us. The positive, radiant energy is flowing beautifully between the 3 of us so I'm sure we would welcome others at some point."