Subject: Teamshift - overview

I want to thank you all for coming forward to participate in this new "experiment". I thinkTeam Shift has an amazing potential to deepen the spiritual connection we have with each other and our Sources, accelerate our openness to the field, and increase the effectiveness of our petitions for assistance and interventions.


To reiterate the vision, we're going to put together small groups from those of you who replied - 3 to 4 people - who will meet daily to "call in the light". Rather than have a big conference call, I'm just going to start this ASAP by assigning a conference call number to each group, sending you an email and with the number and time and day of the first call and either myself or Oren  (who is helping me coordinate this project), or both of us will be on the line for at least the first call and perhaps the first couple to help things get off on the right foot.


I'm sure ideas and issues will come up as we go and I encourage your feedback and suggestions. To begin with, I'm outlining what I think would be good groundrules for the outset, but I'm sure these will be amended over time.

Team Shift Ground Rules


1. Everyone agrees to use the same wording for the "calling in of the light".

2. The responsibility of calling in of the light will rotate everyday from person to person. If for some reason, someone in the group feels too self conscious to call in the light but wants to participate, I think we'll make that OK.

3. After the light is called in, each participant will have the opportunity to put something in the light, either a personal issue, a healing request, or a planetary prayer.

4. Personal discussions will be kept to a minimum and calls should be no longer than ten minutes. Please do not use these comings together as a venue for venting all your personal issues, other than "putting them in the light". If the group would like to get to know each other better, on a personal level, a separate time could be scheduled for this and for those who would find this kind of interaction helpful. But I would strongly suggest that this be done no sooner than two weeks from the time the group first meets. It's important to establish the spiritual rapport first before getting overly familiar with each other. Another possibility is that the meeting could officially end (this must be stated clearly) and those who want to get to talk with each other could stay on the line. But I would again suggest a 2 week incubation period before you do this. 

5. After the groups get grounded, i.e. do this for about two weeks, I'm thinking that we could list the phone numbers of each group that would like to be listed and people from different groups could visit each other's groups as guests - not being one of those who call in the light but giving supportive energy and putting their own requests in the light.


6. Each person should make their best attempt to participate every day, but obviously things will come up. if the time becomes unworkable, they can ask to find another group meeting at a more amenable time.


7. If someone is becoming disruptive to the group, i.e. talking about personal issues, monopolizing the energy, and the group would not like to continue with that person, send me an email and we'll figure what to do next. Just as someone may be in a group where they feel the chemistry is not working and would like to withdraw and join another group, please let me know. I actually think these kinds of issues will be few and far between, but it's important to have escape clauses.


8. I'm going to ask a small monthly donation - like $5.00 - to help support the administration of Teamshift. This is something that has the potential to become popular and and the donations would insure that it can be managed,

I'm sure many additional things will come up as we go.     Let me know if you have any comments or suggestions or issues with any of my Ground rules above.




p.s. If you're going to send email to me about this, be sure and put "Teamshift" in the subject line.

