Subject: TeamShift - Invocation to the Light

Reverantly (please print)

Father Mother God, we ask for the presence of the light to surround and protect each personon this line and any negativity be taken to the higher realms of light and transmuted for the highest good of all concerned. We see ourselves in the flow of energy radiating from the center ofr our Galaxy, through our bodies and into the center of the Earth. Right now we invoke a braiding of the energies of all those present and we invite only those service to other sources honoring the Law of One to join energies with us as we create a protected field that only positive sources can partake of. We send this energy to the planet and each of us individually for the highest good of all concerned.Thank you and I am glad to be of service.

Proceed to each person putting their own requests - personal and planetary - in the light.Again always keeping in mind the highest good of all concerned.

i.e. I put my Aunt Hattie's health in the light.

I send the light to myself for prosperity.

I ask for healing for my relationship with my partner.

I send the light to the principle of peace.

etc etc etc