Subject: Progress

First off, I'd like to thank all of you who have participated in this launch. I'm doing this in a small way as to get all the bugs out and learn what's needed before I introduce this to the general group. If there's been some confusion the first couple days, that's part of the process.


I want to ask you all to keep me informed how it's going. My initial idea was that the groups should be 3-4 people but the other consideration is that if some of you are not able to show up fairly often, and it ends up that only one person is on the call, it can get a bit lonely. Perhaps I should increase the number of people on the call so that we can be sure that the probability is that 2 people will always show up. The other side of the problem is that if 6 people show up, the calls will get too long and then people will drop out because they have not the time for a 20 minute call everyday.So please keep me informed.


Some of you may be getting this message who have not been assigned a group yet. Please be patient. It will happen in the next few days. Some of you may be getting this who have decided they don't have the time to participate. If you're in that category, the easiest thing to do is to unsubscribe at the bottom of this page and you'll be off this list.


This is a very exciting project. If it works the way I think it will, here's some of the benefits:


1. The daily connection with the energy will help you clear out any old residual karmic patterns.

2. The daily connection with the Soul Group energy can give them more connection with this realm and make more interventions possible.

3. You will become self empowered and learn that you don't need me to hold the energy for you as you realize "they" are there for you as well as you call in the light.

4. Some of you will find ways of being of more service as you support the development of team shift.

5. And if your particular area should have some kind of state of emergency, you'll have made spiritual  friends in other areas and will very likely have someplace to go.

New Yahoo Group dedicated to Team Shift.......


To join just go to the above url and follow the directions. If you don't already have a Yahoo email, you'll probably be asked to get one as a condition of joining.


Here's what happens with that Yahoo Group. Once you join, you can send an email to and all the other subscribers will receive your message in their emails. Membership in this group will be open to all Teamshift groups, so you can share your experiences with each other. You can invite other group members to visit your group. Some other ways to use TeamShift Yahoo Group:


1. Perhaps someone you care about needs a special dose of light and healing. You could send an email and ask all the groups if they might put that person in the light.


2. You become aware of a trouble spot around the world and want to bring it to everyone's attention to put in the light.


3. You could send your love to everyone participating in this program.


4. If you have something creative, like a poem or a story that you've written, you can post that. Anything uplifting.. At this time, I would suggest not posting the channellings of others. There are many excellent channelings out there and there are some which look good but are from negative sources. I don't want to have to be put in the position of having to make public critiques so it's best to hold off on this until I figure out how to handle it.


Be creative..........


Thank you and blessings..................................Wynn