Subject: For the New Year

Dear Friend,

I'm sure most of you know by now that Oren is not taking an administrative role in Team Shift. For clarification, he and I are on good terms. Oren reminds me a bit of my younger self when I was hitchhiking around the country and was experiencing synchronicities, new places, and women. When he first ended up here, he wanted to work with me and I expressed doubt that he could anchor himself to a project like I am doing. But he wanted to try but I was right and now he's on the road again to new adventures. I send him care and blessings and I suspect we'll hear from him sooner or later. 

So that puts me at the helm of the team shift project as well as everything else. I have to deal with 3 issues. One is the potential to get dispersed, one is priorities and the other is making ends meet while all this is going on. 

So I have been laying low on teamshift for the past couple of weeks. I have been working really hard on my website. I have been more forthright in putting things up for public consumption. It's been a long time challenge to figure out how to frame this so its doesn't compromise any authenticity and can make people curious enough to check it out without getting a bunch of negative attacks,. This website is pretty bold and I invite you to visit and let me know what you think. All the pages are not up to par but the general feel seems pretty good - 

Regarding TeamShift, until someone comes forward who can help administrately, I have to be very efficient in my use of time and energy. I am going to hold a Teamshift meeting on Saturday January 5th at 10am Pacific Time for about 30-45 minutes and the at 11am pst the same day I am going to hold a meeting for the larger group in Message a Day for those who are interested in participating in TeamShift. I will make a general announcement and I'm sure we'll get response. I hope the facilitators at least, will be able to attend both meetings. If you are one of those who has laid back and not been participating, I hope you can attend the first meeting and see if we can rekindle your enthusiasm. 

I have a couple of great ideas that would be easy to implement which I'll announce after the first of the year. Watch for the email re the January 5th meeting....

Wishing you all a Happy New Year.........................Wynn