Subject: A special Channeling from Daphne for TeamShift

I want to thank you all for your participation. I know there's times when there's only one person on the line or something has gone astray. We'll be adding new people shortly.  If you're the only person on the line, don't feel forlorn. Call in the energy and you may be surprised to notice that it will show up just for you. 

Sharing with you how this idea got started.........If you've been reading all the stories of Daphne and Terry in message a day andQuestions and Answers with the Elohim, you are probably aware that Daphne had been the subject of huge negative attacks and she's attempted to be involved and had to withdraw over and over. About 6 weeks ago, I was talking to Daphne on the phone and she suggested that we do a channeling. I was apprehensive because I was afraid that the past would repeat itself. But we did a channeling and "they" suggested that she had cleared a lot of the old patterns that would leave her open to the negative and then we did the first State of the Planet channeling which is now becoming a regular event. 

I had  the idea that Daphne, Terry and myself would meet every night and call in the light. We started doing this and at first it was difficult and everyone was going through some awkwardness and processing. But after a couple of weeks the energies began to settle and everyone was looking forward to our nightly session. Then in a channeling, they said this would be a great idea to implement for those people who were connecting with this work. And that was the beginning of the TeamShift idea. Right now it's still in the pilot stage and I'm working out how to give it the best support, given the fact that I don't have enough time to do all the things which are on the table already. So please be patient. It will get better. 

As you are aware Oren is helping... Oren was passing through Sedona a few months ago and had mentioned to someone that he was really influenced by Edgar Cayce and they happened to know me and told Oren that the author of The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? lived in Sedona and gave him my email. So we went to lunch and he spent a couple of days in my home, continuing on to Los Angeles. He was a bit foot loose and fancy free and I was reminded of myself in the days when I was expressing myself as a singer songwriter and travelling around the country sleeping on people's couches. 

A couple of months later, Oren phoned me after a stint in LA and said he wanted to work with me. He happens to be an expert in computers, having graduated from Harvard in Computer Science. He's back in the living room and being a great help on all the web work I'm doing and, as you know, he's helping to coordinate the TeamShift assignments. He's also a great editor and pretty soon, he'll be looking at the things I send out and correcting all my grammatical errors Without his help, I don't think I could make Team Shift. Please give him your support and cooperation.

It looks like we'll be doing special channelings for the Team Shift Project. And we have the first one today, hot off the presses about two hours ago (Thursday 11:30pm). Daphne did this right after the TeamShift meeting with Terry and myself.


or click here


Some of you have emailed me and were having trouble accessing these links. There's 2 ways to do it. One is to double left click on the link and a player should show up and start playing the audio. The other way is to right click on the link and a menu will come up where you have the option to "save target as" or "save link as". This will start downloading the audio to your computer. I would suggest making a special folder in my documents and saving all the audios in that folder. Then you can click on them anytime and will be able to listen on Window's Media or whatever your audio player is. If you don't know how to create a folder, email me and I'll post how to do that. 


They keep reiterating about the importance of Team Shift. I thank you again for your support and patience.




p.s. I have not made a major announcement about this, but Daphne and I have been doing readings for a few people and the results have been amazing.... I put up a website and whether you get a reading or not, you can listen to some excerpts of reading for others and let the energy rub off on you.  I'll be putting up more excerpts in the future.


here's the link to the reading page  - 


Here's an excerpt from some people who had readings:

"I don't know quite how to thank you for yesterday's session. I am so looking forward to hearing what your/Daphne's source has to say in response to the questions created yesterday, but I must say that even though I didn't have the $100 for the reading, the time you spent with me yesterday created a big shift and I feel like I already have my money's worth. Have you considered doing this more broadly for money generation to fund your other work, helping people one on one, and at the same time, helping your work reach more and more people? You have such a specialized skill set/gift that no one else can offer (at least none who I am familiar with). I feel a lot of people would pay a lot of money for the kind of spiritual coaching you provided to me yesterday, and then on top of that, to receive further guidance from the higher's really amazing.



"I can hardly find (english) words to describe how deeply touched I am.
It is the feeling of being known, being worthty, being loved that is carried in the words spoken by Daphne. 
I have that experience in the activations and other channelings also, but when these words are about oneself, 
that is something beyond."

While I'm at it, in case you're not aware, Daphne is an extremely talented musician and her improvised music has Elohim

frequencies mixed in. I put together a little sample of her album, which was recorded with David Wilcock playing backup. If you'd

like to see Daphne playing harp on Youtube and/or purchase her album, click here.