Subject: Getting More Sales and Leads..

One thing every marketer wants is more leads and sales…

But here is the thing, if you send any kind of traffic to offers there is something you can do to make sure you get all the leads and 100% of the sale!

I mean think about it.

When you send traffic to an offer an affiliate offer a number of things happen…

You get about 50% of the sale
You don't know who has purchases (how the heck do you build a buyers list not knowing the buyers?)
You give away your biggest asset, people on your list who buy!

Wouldn't it be great if there was a solution where you got 100% of each and every sale?
Wouldn't it be great if you knew who bought every product so you could build a buyers list!
Wouldn't it be great if you kept your buyers and did not have to share them with other people (who will send offer after offer to your buyers - and you lose commissions!

Well there's a way to do this


It is massively time consuming (trust me, I do this 2-3 times per month!)

But now there is a HUGE shortcut we can teach you.

Not only can it do all of the above, this method can do so much more…

But what is it? … I hear you cry

Join us on Tuesday at 2PM UTC / 9 am EST to find out!

See you there!


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