Subject: Email open and click rate masterclass

Developing an email campaign that converts is all about understanding different types of copy, from headings down through paragraphs and blocks of text -

even images should be designed with a purpose in mind when it comes time for publishing or sending out those messages.

You can't send an empty inbox file over here;

Make sure there are captions underneath any pictures you decide to include so people know what they're looking at first glance without having to open up their computer applications again after clicking "Open".

How many times have you sent an email and thought, "that will do" ?

How often are your emails never opened because they're not the right length or simply don't sound like someone is actually reading them?

I know what it feels to be frustrated with sending messages all day long.

And yet here we still are hours later checking our inboxes for any response from old clients who might want another purchase done before Sunday morning - 'cause let's face reality: if there isn’t at least one dead letterbox moment where everything went nowhere fast then chances of making some serious money on these people just aren't going happen

Developing an email campaign that converts is all about understanding different types of copy, from headings down through paragraphs and blocks of text -

even images should be designed with a purpose in mind when it comes time for publishing or sending out those messages.

You can't send an empty inbox file over here; make sure there are captions underneath any pictures you decide to include so people know what they're looking at at first glance without having to open up their computer applications again after clicking "Open".

I have a special guest coming in Today Monday at 7PM GMT for 1 time live who will show you how to:

join now

Inbox more emails and make the most of each one without knowing any tech-savvy tricks.

It works great with any niche!


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