Subject: Update: It's Been Crazy Friend! But We're Doing GREAT!

Hi Friend,

I hope this email finds you well. We just wanted to send out a quick 
update on our progress.  It's been very busy the last 48 hours but things
are starting to settle down a bit. 

We jumped off to a great start with our team build. We have 32 paid
members on the team with a few more pending. There are members
making good money. That means their sponsor is making good money
as well!! That's so cool! You have to love the matching bonus feature.

When you upgraded, you should have received your welcome email
containing the links to the spread sheet and the team link to promote.
If you're an upgraded member and didn't get the links, please let us know.
The team link is below. Only upgraded members have access to the team
spread sheet.

If you haven't upgraded yet, what are you waiting for? You're in early on
what will be a very lucrative opportunity and you will have the power of
teamwork behind you. Don't delay Friend, get in before the masses.

To upgrade, Send us an email to the following email address and put " Send me
a team link" in the subject field.
Once we receive your request, we'll send you the link of the next team member, in line to receive
2 referrals. All you have to do is ask, that's it!

In closing, I urge all upgraded members to advertise the team link. As of today,
the link has rec'd over 4000 unique hits in just 2 days. That's pretty good right there!
Keep it up folks, you're doing an excellent job, promoting!!


Dan And John

Hope to have a banner or 2 for your promotional needs, very soon.