Subject: TeamBuilderBTC Update - June 27th 2019

Hello Friend,

I hope this email finds you well. I have a brief update for you regarding
TeamBuilderBTC.  Yesterday, I found out that they have eliminated the
quick Silver, rapid gold and the btc cyclers and have replaced them with
4, 2x2 matrixes, bronze, silver, gold and platinum, in adittion to the 2x10.
This is a much better plan in my opinion and will surely be much more
attractive to all.

Please log in and get a position. They start at just 5 bucks. I will be updating 
our team capture page and hope to set up a Facebook group as well. I wanted
to have that done yesterday but it was my birthday so I took the day off. My
goal is to get this done tonight.

This is a great program and we refuse to let it fizzle out. It's been extremely slow 
and I want to change that. It's going to take the entire team to help but we can 
revive this team build, considering the new pay plan. There is simply no reason
that we can't be successful with this team build.

I'll send out another update once I get our page updated and the FB group created.
For now, just get your position so you set yourself up for  maximum spillover. 

Let us know if you have any questions.

Log in here

Dan And John