Subject: Team Update 6-7-19

Hello Team,

Hope everyone is doing well.  Just wanted to send a quick update to everyone.

Not much movement at all. We're looking at ways to grow the team, including
paid advertising and promotion. This team build will always be a constant as the
pay plan is a very good pay plan and we do not plan on giving up, anytime soon.
How about you? If you have any suggestions, let us know.

If we want to see success, we all need to help advertise our team build. Do
nothing and you get nothing.  The few members that are advertising, simply cannot 
be responsible for the success of the team.  To date, we have had over 50,000
hits to our page. Not bad but could be much higher if we had everyone involved.
Let advertise those team links!

We had only one reply regarding our question,  if we should allow members to 
join only the 2 x10 so we will make that decision, this weekend. 

For now, please get out and spread the word. Lets get these banners out there.
Lets advertise to the world what a great team we have.

Capture Pages

Banners (You may use either capture page for your banner, just change the link).



Have a great day!!

Dan and John