Subject: Team Update 5-15-19

Hello Team,

Hope everyone is doing well.  Just wanted to send a quick update to everyone.

Things have slowed, big time! I think it is a combination of a couple different
reasons. Summer is fast approaching. The weather has been decent so people are
doing outside activities, rather than sitting inside, on their computer.  

The other reason... lack of member participation in helping advertise the team.
There are a few select members that are putting in a serious effort in marketing 
our capture pages but for the most part, most are doing nothing in helping to 
promote the team. 

If we want to see success, we all need to help advertise our team build. Do
nothing and you get nothing.  The few members that are advertising, simply cannot 
be responsible for the success of the team.  To date, we have had about 35,000
hits to our page. Not bad but could be much higher if we had everyone involved.
Let advertise those team links, folks!

We had a few people email me and suggested that we only require people 
to join the 2x10 matrix. That would mean that members would only need 8 dollars
to get started. I guess I don't have a problem with that as the money is in the 
2x10. Please send me your feedback on this if you think it's a good plan or not.
We'll make a decision based on your feedback.

We now have banners!!! We have a 468 and a 125, Plus we have an additional
capture page for those that want to mix it up. We will create additional pages
as time permits.

For now, please get out and spread the word. Lets get these banners out there.
Lets advertise to the world what a great team we have.

Capture Pages

Banners (You may use either capture page for your banner, just change the link).



Have a great night!!

Dan and John